OpenUSD Tooling for MaterialX¶
In this book we will look at general tools to take MaterialX and convert it to USD.
Namely we are interested in UsdMtlx
and utilities from the Usd Toolset
. Note that usdview
is also a useful basic tool for inspecting and visualizing USD files.
At time of writing the the Python package for Usd from PyPi does not include these tools.
While it is possible to download the repository and build it yourself, using prebuilt binaries is less trouble. For instance NVIDIA has pre-built binaries for Linux and Windows available here ( A download of one of these binaries is used for this notebook. If you are working with a specific build for an integration such as a DCC such as Maya or Houdini, that can be used instead. )
For these builds, ensure that the correct Python and library paths are set up. See the USD tutorials for more information. Instead of setting the PYTHONPATH
it is possible to install the Python libraries in your Python (virtual) environment.
import os
# Print path reference which should include the Python path of the USD build
print('PYTHON PATH :', '"' + os.getenv('PYTHONPATH') + '"')
PYTHON PATH : "D:\Downloads\usd24.05\lib\python_old;"
Setup OpenUSD and MaterialX¶
In the code below we import both the MaterialX and Usd core library
from pxr import Usd
import MaterialX as mx
# For Markdown output display
from IPython.display import display_markdown
major, minor, build = Usd.GetVersion()
print('Using Usd Version:', str(major) + "." + str(minor) + "." + str(build))
print('Using MaterialX Version:', mx.getVersionString())
Using Usd Version: 0.24.3 Using MaterialX Version: 1.38.9
For the purposes of examining the output, we add a couple of utility functions to print file directly or as XML.
def printFileRaw(file):
f = open(file, 'r')
def printFileAsXML(file, title, fmt):
f = open(file, 'r')
text = '<details><summary>' + title + '</summary>\n\n' + '```' + fmt + '\n' + + '```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text , raw=True)
Checking Shader Registry for MaterialX Nodes¶
Next we want to check that the node definitions for MaterialX are registered in the shader definition registry (Sdr)
By default USD will not discover the MaterialX definition libraries. It is thus necessary to explicitly specify the path to these libraries. We use the PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME
environment variable to do this by setting it to the libraries
folder of the MaterialX distribution.
To test that the path is properly registered Sdr.Registry().GetSearchURIs()
can be used.
Another check that can be performed is to find the available node "source types" using Sdr.Registry().GetAllNodeSourceTypes()
, for which MaterialX is mtlx
The "convention" used for MaterialX is to prefix node definition identifiers with ND_
. We can use this to check that the MaterialX nodes are available in the shader registry.
# Import Sdr module
from pxr import Sdr
# Check that we have MaterialX definitions
usdmtlxPath = os.environ.get('PXR_MTLX_STDLIB_SEARCH_PATHS')
print('Pixar MaterialX Library Path:' + '"' + usdmtlxPath + '"')
sourceTypes = Sdr.Registry().GetAllNodeSourceTypes()
if 'mtlx' in sourceTypes:
print('Sdr MaterialX source type \"mtlx\" is registered')
print('Sdr MaterialX source type \"mtlx\" is not registered')
print('Sdr Search Paths:')
for uri in Sdr.Registry().GetSearchURIs():
print("- \"" + uri + "\"")
# Get the names of definitions in Sdr
documentContents = ''
if Sdr.Registry():
for node in Sdr.Registry().GetNodeNames():
documentContents = documentContents + ('- %s\n' % node)
text = '<details><summary>Shader Registry Nodes</summary>\n\n' + '```xml\n' + documentContents + '```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text , raw=True)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[4], line 6 4 # Check that we have MaterialX definitions 5 usdmtlxPath = os.environ.get('PXR_MTLX_STDLIB_SEARCH_PATHS') ----> 6 print('Pixar MaterialX Library Path:' + '"' + usdmtlxPath + '"') 8 sourceTypes = Sdr.Registry().GetAllNodeSourceTypes() 9 if 'mtlx' in sourceTypes: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str
Referencing a MaterialX File from within USD¶
With MaterialX nodes registered it is possible to specify MaterialX nodes. One simple way to use MaterialX is to reference a MaterialX document from within a USD file.
In the example below a basic geometry is created, a MaterialX document is referenced and a material is bound to the geometry.
#usda 1.0
defaultPrim = "mxCapsule"
upAxis = "Y"
metersPerUnit = 0.01
def Capsule "mxCapsule" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
rel material:binding = </MaterialX/Materials/Marble_3D>
def Scope "MaterialX" (
references = @./gltf_sample_marble.mtlx@</MaterialX>
"Flattening" The MaterialX Reference¶
To see the expanded contents of the reference file, usdcat
can be used to "flatten" the reference using hte -f
command option.
usd_with_materialXRef = './data/gltf_sample_marble_ref.usda'
usd_without_materialxRef = usd_with_materialXRef
usd_without_materialxRef = usd_without_materialxRef.replace('_ref.usda', '_no_ref.usda')
cmd = 'usdcat ' + usd_with_materialXRef + ' -f -o ' + usd_without_materialxRef + '> flatten.log 2>&1'
print('- Run: ' + '"' + cmd + '"')
result = os.system(cmd)
print(' - Flattening status: %s' % ('Success' if result == 0 else 'Failed'))
if result != 0:
printFileAsXML(usd_without_materialxRef, 'Flattened Usd Content', 'usd')
- Run: "usdcat ./data/gltf_sample_marble_ref.usda -f -o ./data/gltf_sample_marble_no_ref.usda> flatten.log 2>&1" - Flattening status: Success
Flattened Usd Content
#usda 1.0
defaultPrim = "mxCapsule"
doc = """Generated from Composed Stage of root layer d:\\work\\materialx\\MaterialX_Learn\\pymaterialx\\data\\gltf_sample_marble_ref.usda
metersPerUnit = 0.01
upAxis = "Y"
def Capsule "mxCapsule" (
apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
rel material:binding = </MaterialX/Materials/Marble_3D>
def Scope "MaterialX"
def "Materials"
def Material "Marble_3D"
To test that the file is valid, usdview
can be used to examine the file as shown below.
UsdMtlx API¶
Another way to load in MaterialX is via the UsdMtlx
At time of writing there the exposed API entry points in Python are: MaterialX input from file or string:
: To import from a MaterialX file.TestString()
: To import from a MaterialX string (XML).
There are no APIs in this module to export to MaterialX at the current time.
Note that a utility function was written to discover the module functions as the test
does not seem to detect detect Boost Python function members. ( Currently `Boost`` is used to expose the C++ API to Python. )
from pxr import UsdMtlx
import inspect
def is_function(obj):
if hasattr(obj, "__class__"):
cl = getattr(obj, '__class__')
if obj.__class__.__name__ == "builtin_function_or_method":
return True
return False
members = inspect.getmembers(UsdMtlx)
# Filter the members to find Boost functions.
usdMtlx_functions = [member for member in members if is_function(member[1])]
# Print the functions found.
for name, function in usdMtlx_functions:
print(f"- UsdMtlx function: {name}")
- UsdMtlx function: _TestFile - UsdMtlx function: _TestString
These utilities are sufficient to perform conversion from MaterialX to a USD stage.
The stage can then be modified / saved as desired.
In the example below we take the same MaterialX file, load it into a stage and write it to a file.
Note that:
- The MaterialX file is is not a referenced.
- There appears no way to import a MaterialX document into an existing stage.
- Additional meta data is added which stored the MaterialX documents rendering color space. (At time of writing input color spaces are not supported.)
To create the equivalent of the USD file above, the appropriate geometry and binding can be added to the stage.
# Read in a sample MaterialX file into a new stage
stage = UsdMtlx._TestFile('./data/gltf_sample_marble.mtlx')
#colorspace = stage.GetColorSpace()
# Export the stage to disk and also output for display.
exportedUsd = './data/gltf_sample_marble_usdmtlx.usda'
exported = stage.GetRootLayer().Export(exportedUsd)
if exported:
print('Converted MaterialX to Usd file:', exportedUsd)
stringResult = stage.GetRootLayer().ExportToString()
text = '<details><summary>UsdMtlx Conversion Results</summary>\n\n' + '```usd\n' + stringResult + '```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text , raw=True)
Converted MaterialX to Usd file: ./data/gltf_sample_marble_usdmtlx.usda
UsdMtlx Conversion Results
#usda 1.0
customLayerData = {
string colorSpace = "lin_rec709"
def "MaterialX"
def "Materials"
def Material "Marble_3D"