JSON Serialization¶
In this notebook we will look how JSON can be used in the context of MaterialX interop. Items to examine include:
- Extracting out "interfaces" for
s - Converting XML to JSON.
- Determining a JSON schema.
- Validating JSON data against such as schema
![]() | ![]() |
The serialization logic has been added to utility Python command called jsonIO.py
. The
results of converting all of the files under the resources/Materials folder included with the MaterialX
distribution can be found in the `JSON_outputs folder.
Setup for JSON support¶
We will use the xmltodict
Python package to convert from MaterialX represented in XML to JSON.
The JSON package json
will then be used to manipulate data.
import MaterialX as mx
import mtlxutils.mxfile as mxf
import xmltodict
import json
from IPython.display import display_markdown
# Print xmltodict version
print('xmltodict version: ', xmltodict.__version__)
print('json version: ', json.__version__)
print('materialx version: ', mx.__version__)
xmltodict version: 0.14.2 json version: 2.0.9 materialx version: 1.39.2
Nodegraph Interface Extraction¶
We are interested in just the "pattern graphs" which are connected to any surface shader connected to a material. We define two utility functions:
: To get all the surface shader nodes either connected to a material or not.getRenderableGraphs
: To find any upstream graphs connected to a surface shader.
def getShaderNodes(graphElement):
Find all surface shaders in a GraphElement.
shaderNodes = set()
for material in graphElement.getMaterialNodes():
for shader in mx.getShaderNodes(material):
for shader in graphElement.getNodes():
if shader.getType() == 'surfaceshader':
return shaderNodes
def getRenderableGraphs(graphElement):
Find all renderable graphs in a GraphElement.
ngnamepaths = set()
graphs = []
shaderNodes = getShaderNodes(graphElement)
for shaderPath in shaderNodes:
shader = doc.getDescendant(shaderPath)
for input in shader.getInputs():
ngString = input.getNodeGraphString()
if ngString and ngString not in ngnamepaths:
return graphs
For each graph, we only wish to include the interface and include any connections on inputs or outputs. This provides a clean encapsulation of such a graph.
All graphs are assumed to be parented directly under the root Document.
Currently the process to just copy and extract this nodegraphs is overtly complex if we just want the interace.
The copyContentsFrom()
interface for nodegraphs copies over too much information requiring the removal of unneeded children.
The alternative is to manually copy over nodegraph attributes, and child inputs and outputs.
It would be useful to have the logic encapsulated in a single API call.
We add in a copyGraphInterfaces()
function which will copy only the interface of a nodegraph
to a new nodegraph
under a given document element.
def copyGraphInterfaces(dest, ng):
Copy the interface of a nodegraph to a new nodegraph under a specified parent `dest`.
copyMethod = 'add_remove'
ng1 = dest.addNodeGraph(ng.getName())
if copyMethod == 'add_remove':
for child in ng1.getChildren():
if child.isA(mx.Input) or child.isA(mx.Output):
for attr in ['nodegraph', 'nodename', 'defaultinput']:
for attrName in ng.getAttributeNames():
attr = ng.getAttribute(attrName)
newattr = ng1.addAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getType(), attr.getValue())
for port in ng.getInputs():
newport = ng1.addInput(port.getName(), port.getType())
for port in ng.getOutputs():
newport = ng1.addOutput(port.getName(), port.getType())
for attr in ['nodegraph', 'nodename', 'defaultinput']:
The top level logic, loads in the "Brick" graph which can be found in the Examples folder of a MaterialX distribution. These are extracted out to a new document from which we get the representation as an XML string. The results are printed out.
# Load in sample MaterialX file
doc, libFiles, status = mxf.MtlxFile.createWorkingDocument()
mx.readFromXmlFile(doc, './data/standard_surface_brick_procedural.mtlx')
# Create destination document and copy nodegraph interfaces over
xmldoc = mx.createDocument()
graphs = getRenderableGraphs(doc)
for ng in graphs:
copyGraphInterfaces(xmldoc, ng)
# Get interfaces as an XML string
xml_string = mxf.MtlxFile.writeDocumentToString(xmldoc)
text = '<details><summary>Extracted MaterialX Nodegraphs in XML</summary>\n\n' + '```xml\n' + xml_string + '\n```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text, raw=True)
Extracted MaterialX Nodegraphs in XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<materialx version="1.39">
<nodegraph name="NG_BrickPattern">
<input name="brick_color" type="color3" value="0.661876, 0.19088, 0" uiname="Brick Color" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="hue_variation" type="float" value="0.083" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Hue Variation" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="value_variation" type="float" value="0.787" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Value Variation" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="roughness_amount" type="float" value="0.853" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Roughness Amount" uifolder="Roughness" />
<input name="dirt_color" type="color3" value="0.56372, 0.56372, 0.56372" uiname="Dirt Color" uifolder="Dirt" />
<input name="dirt_amount" type="float" value="0.248" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Dirt Amount" uifolder="Dirt" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="float" value="3" uisoftmin="1" uisoftmax="16" uiname="UV Tiling" uifolder="Texturing" />
<output name="base_color_output" type="color3" />
<output name="specular_roughness_output" type="float" />
<output name="normal_output" type="vector3" />
Test : XML text to JSON¶
As a first test we will first just convert the XML string to JSON.
After this extraction process we parse the XML
string to produce the equivalent data as a Python
dictionary using the xmltodict.parse()
This is then converted into a string to get the required JSON
data using e json.dumps
( For the sake of display formatting some additional indentation is specified when dumping out a string. )
# Build JSON from XML
options = {
'attr_prefix': '', # Set prefix for attributes
python_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml_string, **options)
json_string = json.dumps(python_dict)
json_string_fmt = json.dumps(python_dict, indent=2)
text = '<details><summary>MaterialX in JSON</summary>\n\n' + '```json\n' + json_string_fmt + '\n```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text, raw=True)
with open('mtlx_brick.json', 'w') as jsonfile:
MaterialX in JSON
"materialx": {
"version": "1.39",
"nodegraph": {
"name": "NG_BrickPattern",
"input": [
"name": "brick_color",
"type": "color3",
"value": "0.661876, 0.19088, 0",
"uiname": "Brick Color",
"uifolder": "Color"
"name": "hue_variation",
"type": "float",
"value": "0.083",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Hue Variation",
"uifolder": "Color"
"name": "value_variation",
"type": "float",
"value": "0.787",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Value Variation",
"uifolder": "Color"
"name": "roughness_amount",
"type": "float",
"value": "0.853",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Roughness Amount",
"uifolder": "Roughness"
"name": "dirt_color",
"type": "color3",
"value": "0.56372, 0.56372, 0.56372",
"uiname": "Dirt Color",
"uifolder": "Dirt"
"name": "dirt_amount",
"type": "float",
"value": "0.248",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Dirt Amount",
"uifolder": "Dirt"
"name": "uvtiling",
"type": "float",
"value": "3",
"uisoftmin": "1",
"uisoftmax": "16",
"uiname": "UV Tiling",
"uifolder": "Texturing"
"output": [
"name": "base_color_output",
"type": "color3"
"name": "specular_roughness_output",
"type": "float"
"name": "normal_output",
"type": "vector3"
Explicit Conversion¶
The desire is to introduce a standardized JSON representation for MaterialX. For this a match for what is supported for XML is required.
XML is supported via the MaterialXFormat
library. This this JSON can be added.
For this book, we will create a bidirectional conversion between XML and JSON. Thus instead of
a non-standard conversion using a generic converter like xmltodict
we will the logic in these scripts (and eventually
the MaterialXFormat
library) for JSON conversion.
Some key factors to consider include:
- The JSON representation should be a direct match to the XML representation.
- The JSON representation should match the XML size as closely as possible.
- Export and import options for XML should be supported for JSON.
- There is no concept of "includes" in JSON. This is a concept specific to XML.
JSON Serialization¶
To perform a proper serialization, the MaterialX document itself should be examined with direct conversion to JSON.
Serialization to JSON¶
For conversion to JSON we introduce two functions:
: Converts a MaterialX document to a JSON string.elementToJSON()
: Converts a MaterialX element to a JSON string, and continues to recursively convert any children.
# We use a colon to separate the category and name of an element in the JSON hierarchy
# The root of the JSON hierarchy
# Convert MaterialX element to JSON
def elementToJSON(elem, jsonParent):
Convert an MaterialX XML element to JSON.
Will recursively traverse the parent/child Element hierarchy.
if (elem.getSourceUri() != ""):
# Create a new JSON element for the MaterialX element
jsonElem = {}
# Add attributes
for attrName in elem.getAttributeNames():
jsonElem[attrName] = elem.getAttribute(attrName)
# Add children
for child in elem.getChildren():
jsonElem = elementToJSON(child, jsonElem)
# Add element to parent
jsonParent[elem.getCategory() + JSON_CATEGORY_NAME_SEPARATOR + elem.getName()] = jsonElem
return jsonParent
# Convert MaterialX document to JSON
def documentToJSON(doc):
'''Convert an MaterialX XML document to JSON'''
root = {}
root["materialx"] = {}
for attrName in doc.getAttributeNames():
root[attrName] = doc.getAttribute(attrName)
for elem in doc.getChildren():
result = json.dumps(root, indent=2)
return result
We call documentToJSON()
to convert both the entire document as well as just the NodeGraph interface document below:
# Convert entire document
doc_result = documentToJSON(doc)
text = '<details><summary>Entire document to JSON</summary>\n\n' + '```json\n' + doc_result + '\n```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text, raw=True)
# Convert just the graph
graph_result = documentToJSON(xmldoc)
text = '<details><summary>Node Graph Interface to JSON</summary>\n\n' + '```json\n' + graph_result + '\n```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text, raw=True)
Entire document to JSON
"materialx": {
"nodegraph:NG_BrickPattern": {
"input:brick_color": {
"type": "color3",
"value": "0.661876, 0.19088, 0",
"uiname": "Brick Color",
"uifolder": "Color"
"input:hue_variation": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.083",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Hue Variation",
"uifolder": "Color"
"input:value_variation": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.787",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Value Variation",
"uifolder": "Color"
"input:roughness_amount": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.853",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Roughness Amount",
"uifolder": "Roughness"
"input:dirt_color": {
"type": "color3",
"value": "0.56372, 0.56372, 0.56372",
"uiname": "Dirt Color",
"uifolder": "Dirt"
"input:dirt_amount": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.248",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Dirt Amount",
"uifolder": "Dirt"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "float",
"value": "3",
"uisoftmin": "1",
"uisoftmax": "16",
"uiname": "UV Tiling",
"uifolder": "Texturing"
"multiply:node_multiply_5": {
"type": "color3",
"input:in1": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_mix_6"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_7"
"mix:node_mix_8": {
"type": "color3",
"input:fg": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_multiply_5"
"input:bg": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_multiply_9"
"input:mix": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_10"
"constant:node_color_11": {
"type": "color3",
"input:value": {
"type": "color3",
"value": "0.263273, 0.263273, 0.263273"
"multiply:node_multiply_9": {
"type": "color3",
"input:in1": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_color_11"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_7"
"rgbtohsv:node_rgbtohsv_12": {
"type": "color3",
"input:in": {
"type": "color3",
"interfacename": "brick_color"
"combine3:node_combine3_color3_13": {
"type": "color3",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_multiply_14"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0"
"input:in3": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_multiply_15"
"add:node_add_16": {
"type": "color3",
"input:in1": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_combine3_color3_13"
"input:in2": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_rgbtohsv_12"
"hsvtorgb:node_hsvtorgb_17": {
"type": "color3",
"input:in": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_add_16"
"subtract:node_subtract_18": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_add_19"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.35"
"multiply:node_multiply_14": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_subtract_18"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"interfacename": "hue_variation"
"multiply:node_multiply_15": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_add_19"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_multiply_20"
"clamp:node_clamp_0": {
"type": "color3",
"input:in": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_mix_8"
"multiply:node_multiply_1": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_divide_21"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_22"
"max:node_max_1": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_10"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.00001"
"divide:node_divide_21": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"interfacename": "roughness_amount"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_max_1"
"mix:node_mix_6": {
"type": "color3",
"input:fg": {
"type": "color3",
"interfacename": "dirt_color"
"input:bg": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_hsvtorgb_17"
"input:mix": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_multiply_23"
"multiply:node_multiply_23": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"interfacename": "dirt_amount"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_24"
"multiply:node_multiply_25": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"interfacename": "hue_variation"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_26"
"add:node_add_19": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_multiply_25"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_7"
"multiply:node_multiply_20": {
"type": "float",
"input:in1": {
"type": "float",
"interfacename": "value_variation"
"input:in2": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_float_26"
"normalmap:node_normalmap_3": {
"type": "vector3",
"input:in": {
"type": "vector3",
"nodename": "node_tiledimage_vector3_27"
"convert:node_convert_1": {
"type": "vector2",
"input:in": {
"type": "float",
"interfacename": "uvtiling"
"tiledimage:node_tiledimage_vector3_27": {
"type": "vector3",
"input:file": {
"type": "filename",
"value": "brick_normal.jpg"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "vector2",
"nodename": "node_convert_1"
"tiledimage:node_tiledimage_float_22": {
"type": "float",
"input:file": {
"type": "filename",
"value": "brick_roughness.jpg"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "vector2",
"nodename": "node_convert_1"
"tiledimage:node_tiledimage_float_10": {
"type": "float",
"input:file": {
"type": "filename",
"value": "brick_mask.jpg"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "vector2",
"nodename": "node_convert_1"
"tiledimage:node_tiledimage_float_7": {
"type": "float",
"input:file": {
"type": "filename",
"value": "brick_base_gray.jpg"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "vector2",
"nodename": "node_convert_1"
"tiledimage:node_tiledimage_float_26": {
"type": "float",
"input:file": {
"type": "filename",
"value": "brick_variation_mask.jpg"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "vector2",
"nodename": "node_convert_1"
"tiledimage:node_tiledimage_float_24": {
"type": "float",
"input:file": {
"type": "filename",
"value": "brick_dirt_mask.jpg"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "vector2",
"nodename": "node_convert_1"
"output:base_color_output": {
"type": "color3",
"nodename": "node_clamp_0"
"output:specular_roughness_output": {
"type": "float",
"nodename": "node_multiply_1"
"output:normal_output": {
"type": "vector3",
"nodename": "node_normalmap_3"
"standard_surface:N_StandardSurface": {
"type": "surfaceshader",
"input:base_color": {
"type": "color3",
"nodegraph": "NG_BrickPattern",
"output": "base_color_output"
"input:specular_roughness": {
"type": "float",
"nodegraph": "NG_BrickPattern",
"output": "specular_roughness_output"
"input:normal": {
"type": "vector3",
"nodegraph": "NG_BrickPattern",
"output": "normal_output"
"surfacematerial:M_BrickPattern": {
"type": "material",
"input:surfaceshader": {
"type": "surfaceshader",
"nodename": "N_StandardSurface"
"version": "1.39",
"colorspace": "lin_rec709",
"fileprefix": "../../../Images/"
Node Graph Interface to JSON
"materialx": {
"nodegraph:NG_BrickPattern": {
"input:brick_color": {
"type": "color3",
"value": "0.661876, 0.19088, 0",
"uiname": "Brick Color",
"uifolder": "Color"
"input:hue_variation": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.083",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Hue Variation",
"uifolder": "Color"
"input:value_variation": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.787",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Value Variation",
"uifolder": "Color"
"input:roughness_amount": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.853",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Roughness Amount",
"uifolder": "Roughness"
"input:dirt_color": {
"type": "color3",
"value": "0.56372, 0.56372, 0.56372",
"uiname": "Dirt Color",
"uifolder": "Dirt"
"input:dirt_amount": {
"type": "float",
"value": "0.248",
"uimin": "0",
"uimax": "1",
"uiname": "Dirt Amount",
"uifolder": "Dirt"
"input:uvtiling": {
"type": "float",
"value": "3",
"uisoftmin": "1",
"uisoftmax": "16",
"uiname": "UV Tiling",
"uifolder": "Texturing"
"output:base_color_output": {
"type": "color3"
"output:specular_roughness_output": {
"type": "float"
"output:normal_output": {
"type": "vector3"
"version": "1.39"
The JSON is visualized as a graph for the entire document below, as well as another sample conversion of the glTF "Boombox" and "Olvies" examples from the sample models library
Graph of Marble Material
Graph of "Boombox" Example
Graph of "Olives" Example
Deserialization from JSON¶
For conversion from JSON we introduce two functions:
: Converts a JSON string to a MaterialX document.elementFromJSON()
: Converts a JSON string to a MaterialX element, and continues to recursively convert any children.
Note that to perform deserialization we need to split the category
and name
out for non-attribute elements.
# Separator between category and name in JSON element
# Convert JSON element to MaterialX
def elementFromJSON(node, elem):
Convert an JSON element to MaterialX
for key in node:
value = node[key]
# Set attributes
if isinstance(value, str):
elem.setAttribute(key, str(value))
# Traverse chilren
# Traverse down from root
elementFromJSON(value, elem)
# Split key name by ":" to get category and name
category, name = key.split(JSON_CATEGORY_NAME_SEPARATOR, 1)
if category and not elem.getChild(name):
child = elem.addChildOfCategory(category, name)
elementFromJSON(value, child)
# Convert JSON to MaterialX document
def documentFromJSON(jsonDoc, doc):
Convert a JSON document to MaterialX
elementFromJSON(jsonDoc, doc)
Using these functions we can convert the JSON document and NodeGraph results back to a MaterialX documents.
We also add in validation and an "upgrade" call to roughly match what is performed for XML serialization.
# Convert entire document back from JSON
newDoc = mx.createDocument()
jsonObject = json.loads(doc_result)
documentFromJSON(jsonObject, newDoc)
# Validate and upgrade element version
valid, errors = newDoc.validate()
if not valid:
print('Validation errors:')
for err in errors:
print(' {}'.format(err))
newDocString = mx.writeToXmlString(newDoc)
text = '<details><summary>JSON Deserialization of Document</summary>\n\n' + '```xml\n' + newDocString + '\n```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text, raw=True)
JSON Deserialization of Document
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<materialx version="1.39" colorspace="lin_rec709" fileprefix="../../../Images/">
<nodegraph name="NG_BrickPattern">
<input name="brick_color" type="color3" value="0.661876, 0.19088, 0" uiname="Brick Color" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="hue_variation" type="float" value="0.083" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Hue Variation" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="value_variation" type="float" value="0.787" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Value Variation" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="roughness_amount" type="float" value="0.853" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Roughness Amount" uifolder="Roughness" />
<input name="dirt_color" type="color3" value="0.56372, 0.56372, 0.56372" uiname="Dirt Color" uifolder="Dirt" />
<input name="dirt_amount" type="float" value="0.248" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Dirt Amount" uifolder="Dirt" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="float" value="3" uisoftmin="1" uisoftmax="16" uiname="UV Tiling" uifolder="Texturing" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_5" type="color3">
<input name="in1" type="color3" nodename="node_mix_6" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_7" />
<mix name="node_mix_8" type="color3">
<input name="fg" type="color3" nodename="node_multiply_5" />
<input name="bg" type="color3" nodename="node_multiply_9" />
<input name="mix" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_10" />
<constant name="node_color_11" type="color3">
<input name="value" type="color3" value="0.263273, 0.263273, 0.263273" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_9" type="color3">
<input name="in1" type="color3" nodename="node_color_11" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_7" />
<rgbtohsv name="node_rgbtohsv_12" type="color3">
<input name="in" type="color3" interfacename="brick_color" />
<combine3 name="node_combine3_color3_13" type="color3">
<input name="in1" type="float" nodename="node_multiply_14" />
<input name="in2" type="float" value="0" />
<input name="in3" type="float" nodename="node_multiply_15" />
<add name="node_add_16" type="color3">
<input name="in1" type="color3" nodename="node_combine3_color3_13" />
<input name="in2" type="color3" nodename="node_rgbtohsv_12" />
<hsvtorgb name="node_hsvtorgb_17" type="color3">
<input name="in" type="color3" nodename="node_add_16" />
<subtract name="node_subtract_18" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" nodename="node_add_19" />
<input name="in2" type="float" value="0.35" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_14" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" nodename="node_subtract_18" />
<input name="in2" type="float" interfacename="hue_variation" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_15" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" nodename="node_add_19" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_multiply_20" />
<clamp name="node_clamp_0" type="color3">
<input name="in" type="color3" nodename="node_mix_8" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_1" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" nodename="node_divide_21" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_22" />
<max name="node_max_1" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_10" />
<input name="in2" type="float" value="0.00001" />
<divide name="node_divide_21" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" interfacename="roughness_amount" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_max_1" />
<mix name="node_mix_6" type="color3">
<input name="fg" type="color3" interfacename="dirt_color" />
<input name="bg" type="color3" nodename="node_hsvtorgb_17" />
<input name="mix" type="float" nodename="node_multiply_23" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_23" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" interfacename="dirt_amount" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_24" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_25" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" interfacename="hue_variation" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_26" />
<add name="node_add_19" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" nodename="node_multiply_25" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_7" />
<multiply name="node_multiply_20" type="float">
<input name="in1" type="float" interfacename="value_variation" />
<input name="in2" type="float" nodename="node_tiledimage_float_26" />
<normalmap name="node_normalmap_3" type="vector3">
<input name="in" type="vector3" nodename="node_tiledimage_vector3_27" />
<convert name="node_convert_1" type="vector2">
<input name="in" type="float" interfacename="uvtiling" />
<tiledimage name="node_tiledimage_vector3_27" type="vector3">
<input name="file" type="filename" value="brick_normal.jpg" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" nodename="node_convert_1" />
<tiledimage name="node_tiledimage_float_22" type="float">
<input name="file" type="filename" value="brick_roughness.jpg" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" nodename="node_convert_1" />
<tiledimage name="node_tiledimage_float_10" type="float">
<input name="file" type="filename" value="brick_mask.jpg" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" nodename="node_convert_1" />
<tiledimage name="node_tiledimage_float_7" type="float">
<input name="file" type="filename" value="brick_base_gray.jpg" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" nodename="node_convert_1" />
<tiledimage name="node_tiledimage_float_26" type="float">
<input name="file" type="filename" value="brick_variation_mask.jpg" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" nodename="node_convert_1" />
<tiledimage name="node_tiledimage_float_24" type="float">
<input name="file" type="filename" value="brick_dirt_mask.jpg" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="vector2" nodename="node_convert_1" />
<output name="base_color_output" type="color3" nodename="node_clamp_0" />
<output name="specular_roughness_output" type="float" nodename="node_multiply_1" />
<output name="normal_output" type="vector3" nodename="node_normalmap_3" />
<standard_surface name="N_StandardSurface" type="surfaceshader">
<input name="base_color" type="color3" nodegraph="NG_BrickPattern" output="base_color_output" />
<input name="specular_roughness" type="float" nodegraph="NG_BrickPattern" output="specular_roughness_output" />
<input name="normal" type="vector3" nodegraph="NG_BrickPattern" output="normal_output" />
<surfacematerial name="M_BrickPattern" type="material">
<input name="surfaceshader" type="surfaceshader" nodename="N_StandardSurface" />
# Convert nodegraph interface back from JSON
newDoc = mx.createDocument()
jsonObject = json.loads(graph_result)
documentFromJSON(jsonObject, newDoc)
# Validate and upgrade element version
valid, errors = newDoc.validate()
if not valid:
print('Validation errors:')
for err in errors:
print(' {}'.format(err))
newDocString = mx.writeToXmlString(newDoc)
text = '<details><summary>JSON Deserialization of NodeGraph</summary>\n\n' + '```xml\n' + newDocString + '\n```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text, raw=True)
JSON Deserialization of NodeGraph
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<materialx version="1.39">
<nodegraph name="NG_BrickPattern">
<input name="brick_color" type="color3" value="0.661876, 0.19088, 0" uiname="Brick Color" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="hue_variation" type="float" value="0.083" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Hue Variation" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="value_variation" type="float" value="0.787" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Value Variation" uifolder="Color" />
<input name="roughness_amount" type="float" value="0.853" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Roughness Amount" uifolder="Roughness" />
<input name="dirt_color" type="color3" value="0.56372, 0.56372, 0.56372" uiname="Dirt Color" uifolder="Dirt" />
<input name="dirt_amount" type="float" value="0.248" uimin="0" uimax="1" uiname="Dirt Amount" uifolder="Dirt" />
<input name="uvtiling" type="float" value="3" uisoftmin="1" uisoftmax="16" uiname="UV Tiling" uifolder="Texturing" />
<output name="base_color_output" type="color3" />
<output name="specular_roughness_output" type="float" />
<output name="normal_output" type="vector3" />
Obtaining a JSON Schema for MaterialX¶
For this example we will use the first test results just the `NodeGraph`` for simplicity. It is possible to create a schema for all elements of MaterialX which would include all the definitions which are part of the standard library.
The schema is created using the OpenAI Python package. Various MaterialX documents (saved out in JSON) were used as input data.
A graph of the schema is shown below, with the textual description below:
Some examples and test suite documents are suitable to obtain most of the schema. Small edits we're made for anything amiss such setting "required" attributes.
Note that this is just a sample schema. It is not complete. It is also not the only possible schema.
# Define the JSON schema.
schema = {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"definitions": {
"port": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["float", "vector2", "vector3", "vector4", "color3", "color4", "bool", "integer", "filename"]
"nodename": {
"type": "string"
"required": ["name", "type"]
"inputPort": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/port"
"properties": {
"value": {
"type" : "string"
"uiname": {
"type": "string"
"uifolder": {
"type": "string"
"uimin": {
"type": "string"
"uimax": {
"type": "string"
"uisoftmin": {
"type": "string"
"uisoftmax": {
"type": "string"
"required": ["value"]
"outputPort": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/port"
"nodegraph": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"input": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/inputPort"
"output": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/outputPort"
"required": ["name", "input", "output"]
"materialx": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@version": {
"type": "string"
"nodegraph": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/nodegraph"
"required": ["version", "nodegraph"]
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"materialx": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/materialx"
"required": ["materialx"]
# Write the schema to a file
jsonSchemaFilePath = 'data/mtlx_sample_schema.json'
with open(jsonSchemaFilePath, 'w') as f:
json.dump(schema, f)
# Read the schema from a file
loaded_schema = {}
with open(jsonSchemaFilePath, 'r') as schema_file:
loaded_schema = json.loads(schema_file.read())
text = '<details><summary>MaterialX JSON Schema</summary>\n\n' + '```json\n' + json.dumps(schema, indent=2) + '\n```\n' + '</details>\n'
display_markdown(text, raw=True)
MaterialX JSON Schema
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"definitions": {
"port": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"nodename": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"inputPort": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/port"
"properties": {
"value": {
"type": "string"
"uiname": {
"type": "string"
"uifolder": {
"type": "string"
"uimin": {
"type": "string"
"uimax": {
"type": "string"
"uisoftmin": {
"type": "string"
"uisoftmax": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"outputPort": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/port"
"nodegraph": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"input": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/inputPort"
"output": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/outputPort"
"required": [
"materialx": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@version": {
"type": "string"
"nodegraph": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/nodegraph"
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"materialx": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/materialx"
"required": [
Validating MaterialX JSON with Schema¶
To perform validation we will use the validate
interface from the jsconschema
# Validate JSON formatted MaterialX document.
from jsonschema import validate as jsvalidate
# Validate the JSON string against the schema
def validateJson(json_string, schema):
data = json.loads(json_string)
jsvalidate(data, schema)
except Exception as e:
return e
return ''
error = validateJson(json_string, loaded_schema)
if not error:
print("JSON string is valid against the schema")
print('JSON string is not valid:\n')
JSON string is valid against the schema