MaterialXMaterials 0.0.1
Utilities for retrieving materials from remote servers
▼NmaterialxMaterials | |
▼NambientCGLoader | Utilities to extract materials from the ambientCG material database |
CAmbientCGLoader | Class to load materials from the AmbientCG site |
▼NGPUOpenLoader | Utilities to extract materials from the GPUOpen material database |
CGPUOpenMaterialLoader | This class is used to load materials from the GPUOpen material database |
▼NphysicallyBasedMaterialX | Class to load Physically Based Materials from the PhysicallyBased site |
CPhysicallyBasedMaterialLoader | Class to load Physically Based Materials from the PhysicallyBased site |
CAmbientCGLoader | |
CJsGPUOpenMaterialLoader | Class to download MaterialX materials from the GPUOpen material database |
CJsPhysicallyBasedMaterialLoader | Javascript class for querying materials from the Physically Based database and creating MaterialX materials |