MaterialXWeb 0.0.2
Utilities for using MaterialX Packages with Web clients
No Matches
MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client:

Public Member Functions

 constructor (socketLibrary, server)
 findMaterialByName (name)
 updateStatusInput (message, force=false)
 handleMaterialXDownLoad (data)
 handleMaterialXExtract (data)
 extractMaterials ()
 downloadMaterials ()
 setupEventHandlers ()
 setupXML ()
 populateForm (data)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebSocketClient
 constructor (socketLibrary, server)
async initialize (socketLibrary, server)
 setupEventHandlers ()
 emit (message, data)
 constructor (socketLibrary, server)
async initialize (socketLibrary, server)
 setupEventHandlers ()
 emit (message, data)
 constructor (socketLibrary, server)
async initialize (socketLibrary, server)
 setupEventHandlers ()
 emit (message, data)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

Member Function Documentation

◆ constructor()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::constructor ( socketLibrary,
server )

Definition at line 5 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

5 {
6 // Call parent to setup socket I/O.
7 super(socketLibrary, server);
9 this.editor = null;
10 this.extractedEditor = null;
11 this.materialsList = [];
12 this.materialNames = [];
13 this.materialCount = 0;
15 // Bind class methods to `this`
16 this.findMaterialByName = this.findMaterialByName.bind(this);
17 this.populateForm = this.populateForm.bind(this);
18 this.setupEventHandlers = this.setupEventHandlers.bind(this);
19 this.setupXML = this.setupXML.bind(this);
21 // Setup XML editors
22 this.setupXML();
23 }

◆ downloadMaterials()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::downloadMaterials ( )

Definition at line 183 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

183 {
184 console.log("WEB: Emitting download_materialx event");
185 this.emit('download_materialx', {});
186 }

◆ extractMaterials()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::extractMaterials ( )

Definition at line 176 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

176 {
177 const materialSelect = document.getElementById('materialSelect');
178 let selectedItem = materialSelect.options[materialSelect.selectedIndex].text;
179 console.log("WEB: Emitting extract_material event");
180 this.emit('extract_material', { expression: selectedItem });
181 }

◆ findMaterialByName()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::findMaterialByName ( name)

Definition at line 26 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

26 {
27 let foundMaterial = null;
29 for (const element of this.materialsList) {
30 let resultsArray = JSON.parse(element).results;
31 if (resultsArray) {
32 for (const result of resultsArray) {
33 if (result.title === name) {
34 foundMaterial = result;
35 //console.log('>>>>>>>>>> Found Material:', result.title);
36 this.populateForm(result);
37 return foundMaterial;
38 }
39 }
40 }
41 }
42 return null; // Return null if no match is found
43 }

◆ handleMaterialXDownLoad()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::handleMaterialXDownLoad ( data)

Definition at line 56 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

57 {
58 console.log('WEB: materialx downloaded event:', data);
59 this.materialCount = data.materialCount;
60 this.materialsList = data.materialsList;
61 this.materialNames = data.materialNames;
63 if (this.materialCount > 0) {
64 let listString = '';
65 for (const element of this.materialsList) {
66 listString += element + '\n';
67 }
68 this.editor.setValue(listString);
70 // Populate the material select dropdown
71 const materialSelect = document.getElementById('materialSelect');
72 materialSelect.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing options
73 this.materialNames.forEach((name, index) => {
74 const option = document.createElement('option');
75 option.value = index + 1;
76 option.text = name;
77 materialSelect.appendChild(option);
78 });
80 // Populate the form with the first material
81 const firstMaterial = JSON.parse(this.materialsList[0]).results[0];
82 if (firstMaterial) {
83 this.populateForm(firstMaterial);
84 }
85 }
86 }

◆ handleMaterialXExtract()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::handleMaterialXExtract ( data)

Definition at line 88 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

89 {
90 console.log('WEB: materialx extracted event:', data.extractedData);
91 const extractedData = data.extractedData[0];
92 const title = extractedData.title;
93 console.log('Title:', title);
95 const dataObj =;
96 const imageDOM = document.getElementById('extracted_images');
97 imageDOM.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing images
99 const mtlxDOM = document.getElementById('extracted_mtlx');
100 this.extractedEditor.setValue('');
102 // Extract MTLX and images out.
103 // Optionally save zip of data to file.
104 let save_extracted = document.getElementById('save_extracted').checked;
105 let zip = save_extracted ? new JSZip() : null;
106 for (const key in dataObj) {
107 if (key.endsWith('.mtlx')) {
108 this.extractedEditor.setValue(dataObj[key]);
109 // Add the extracted MaterialX file to the zip
110 if (zip)
111 zip.file(key, dataObj[key]);
112 } else {
113 const base64String = dataObj[key];
114 const binary = atob(base64String);
115 const array = new Uint8Array(binary.length);
116 for (let i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) {
117 array[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i);
118 }
119 const extension = key.split('.').pop();
120 const blob = new Blob([array], { type: `image/${extension}` });
121 const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
123 // Create a container for the image and label
124 const imageContainer = document.createElement('div');
125 = 'inline-block';
126 = '10px';
127 = 'center'; // Center the label under the image
129 // Create the image element
130 const img = document.createElement('img');
131 img.src = url;
132 img.width = 200;
133 img.alt = key;
135 // Add the key as a tooltip
136 img.title = key;
138 // Create a label for the image
139 const label = document.createElement('div');
140 label.innerText = key;
141 = '0.8rem';
142 // = '#FFF'; //
144 // Append the image and label to the container
145 imageContainer.appendChild(img);
146 imageContainer.appendChild(label);
148 // Append the container to the image DOM
149 imageDOM.appendChild(imageContainer);
151 // Convert the blob to a file and add it to the zip
152 if (zip)
153 {
154 const imgFile = new File([blob], key, { type: 'image/${extension}' });
155 zip.file(key, imgFile);
156 }
157 }
158 }
160 // Create the zip file asynchronously
161 if (zip)
162 {
163 zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }).then(function(content) {
164 // Create a download link for the zip file
165 const link = document.createElement('a');
166 link.href = URL.createObjectURL(content);
167 = title + '.zip'; // Set the name of the zip file
168; // Trigger the download
169 })
170 .catch(function(error) {
171 console.error('Error creating zip file:', error);
172 });
173 }
174 }

◆ populateForm()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::populateForm ( data)

Definition at line 239 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

239 {
240 document.getElementById('m_title').value = data.title || '';
241 document.getElementById('author').value = || '';
242 const pdate = data.published_date || '';
243 if (pdate) {
244 const date = new Date(pdate);
245 const offset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
246 const localDate = new Date(date.getTime() - offset * 60 * 1000);
247 const formattedDate = localDate.toISOString().slice(0, 16);
248 document.getElementById('published_date').value = formattedDate;
249 }
250 document.getElementById('mtlx_filename').value = data.mtlx_filename || '';
251 document.getElementById('category').value = data.category || '';
252 document.getElementById('status').value = data.status || 'Unpublished';
253 document.getElementById('tags').value = data.tags ? data.tags.join(', ') : '';
254 document.getElementById('packages').value = data.packages ? data.packages.join(', ') : '';
255 document.getElementById('renders').value = data.renders ? data.renders.join(', ') : '';
256 document.getElementById('description').value = data.description || '';
257 }

◆ setupEventHandlers()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::setupEventHandlers ( )

Definition at line 188 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

188 {
189 // Setup clear status button
190 document.getElementById('clear_status').addEventListener('click', () => {
191 this.updateStatusInput('Status', true);
192 });
194 // Bind "Extract Material" button click
195 document.getElementById('extract_material').addEventListener('click', () => {
196 this.extractMaterials();
197 });
199 // Bind "Download MaterialX" button click
200 document.getElementById('getMTLXButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
201 this.downloadMaterials();
202 });
204 // Set up socket message event handlers
205 this.webSocketWrapper = new WebSocketEventHandlers(this.socket, {
206 materialx_status: (data) => { console.log('WEB: materialx status event:', data.message); this.updateStatusInput(data.message) },
207 materialx_downloaded: (data) => { this.handleMaterialXDownLoad(data) },
208 materialx_extracted: (data) => { this.handleMaterialXExtract(data) }
209 });
211 // Update material selection
212 document.getElementById('materialSelect').addEventListener('change', () => {
213 const materialSelect = document.getElementById('materialSelect');
214 const selectedItem = materialSelect.options[materialSelect.selectedIndex].text;
215 this.findMaterialByName(selectedItem);
216 });
217 }

◆ setupXML()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::setupXML ( )

Definition at line 219 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

219 {
220 // Initialize CodeMirror for MaterialX content
221 const materialXTextArea = document.getElementById('mtlxOutput');
222 this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(materialXTextArea, {
223 mode: 'application/json',
224 lineNumbers: true,
225 theme: 'dracula',
226 });
227 this.editor.setSize('auto', '300px');
229 // Initialize CodeMirror for extracted MaterialX content
230 const materialXTextArea2 = document.getElementById('extracted_mtlx');
231 this.extractedEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(materialXTextArea2, {
232 mode: 'application/xml',
233 lineNumbers: true,
234 theme: 'dracula',
235 });
236 this.extractedEditor.setSize('auto', '300px');
237 }

◆ updateStatusInput()

MaterialX_GPUOpen_Client::updateStatusInput ( message,
force = false )

Definition at line 45 of file MaterialXGPUOpenClient.js.

46 {
47 const inputDOM = document.getElementById('status_message');
48 if (inputDOM.value == 'Status' || force)
49 inputDOM.value = message
50 else
51 inputDOM.value += '\n' + message
52 // Scroll to the bottom of the textarea
53 inputDOM.scrollTop = inputDOM.scrollHeight;
54 }

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