MaterialX JSON I/O



This is a Python package for supporting interoperability of MaterialX documents by adding support conversion to / from a JSON representation.

The JSON representation is lossless and is targeted at integrations which prefer to use JSON as a data exchange format instead of XML.


Visit the home page for For further information about this package, including links to API documentation and a Jupyter notebook with sample code that expands on the basic Usage example.


A plugin using this package is available as a sample as part of QuilitX as of this change


The Python package is losted on PyPi and can be installed
using `pip``:

pip install materialxjson

or the source repository can be cloned and the package built from the command line:

python -m build

This will build a distribution folder called dist which contains a zip file which can be installed using:

pip --install <name of zip>


The following example shows bidirectional conversion:

  1. A MaterialX file in XML format is read in and written to a string in JSON format.
  2. A MaterialX file in JSON format is read in and written to a string in XML format.

Note that any JSON package can be used to perform JSON I/O. The json package is used by the utilities provided in this package.

Package Setup

The materialjson package can be loaded as follows, along with MaterialX and json packages:

import json import MaterialX as mx from materialxjson import core

XML to JSON Format Conversion

A MaterialX document can be read in from an XML file as follows:

import pkg_resources # Read in MaterialX file mtlxFileName = pkg_resources.resource_filename('materialxjson', 'data/standard_surface_default.mtlx') doc = mx.createDocument() mx.readFromXmlFile(doc, mtlxFileName)

and then converted to JSON format as follows by creating a MaterialXJson object and calling the documentToJSON method:

# Create I/O handler mtlxjson = core.MaterialXJson() # Write to JSON format jsonObject = mtlxjson.documentToJSON(doc)

The contents of the JSON object can be extracted out using the json package as follows. (An indentation level of 2 is
used to make the output more readable.)

# Convert JSON object to JSON string jsonString = core.Util.jsonToJSONString(jsonObject)

JSON to XML Format Conversion

A JSON file can be read in as follows. In this case we load the sample file included with the package:

# Get file to load jsonFileName = pkg_resources.resource_filename('materialxjson', 'data/standard_surface_default_mtlx.json') # Load JSON file jsonObject = core.Util.readJson(jsonFileName)

The JSON object is then converted to a MaterialX document and written out to an XML string as follows:

# Create I/O handler mtlxjson = core.MaterialXJson() # Read JSON object into document doc = mx.createDocument() mtlxjson.documentFromJSON(jsonObject, doc) # Write to XML String docstring = core.Util.documentToXMLString(doc)


The following are some caveats to be aware of when using this package:
