

Room Editor site is a web application that allows users to edit 3D rooms. The application is designed to be used by interior designers and architects to customize 3D models of rooms.

The goal is to develop a web 3D model viewer that allows users to display and customize a variety of material, color and texture properties. Users would be able to save and load preset configurations to showcase their models to others. Each model would have labels that show material names, with material colors or textures linking to the associated commercial brands. Other priorities were to test the capabilities of generative AI in assisting in creating user interface components and for its capability in creating layouts.


Room Editor Thumbnail

Room Editor

March 2024 : Version 1.1

Icon / Logo Thumbnail

Design Library

March 2024

Color Palette Thumbnail

Palette Generator

January 2024

Popper Thumbnail

Workflow Videos

January 2024

Hotspot Thumbnail

Asset Creation

January 2024