Utilities for using OCIO to generate MaterialX definitions and graphs
This site contains a set of utilities for working with OpenColorIO and MaterialX. The utilities are written in Python and are designed to be used as standalone scripts or as part of a larger pipeline.
Note that Functional Nodegraph generation is currently in it's early stages pending the result of NanoColor
The Github
repository is available here
To install the utilities, clone the repository and run the following command:
The distribution will be available on PyPi in the near future as materialxocio
The utilities require the following dependencies:
The latest version tested with is MaterialX 1.39.2 and OpenColorIO 2.4.1
The repository contains the following command line utilities:
with reference to the nodedef
interface.There are basic build scripts in the utilities folder.
API documentation can be found here
A background describing the usage of the OCIO package can be found here