
The aim of this site is target as wide an audience as possible, with the primary goals to aid in learning, developing and integrating MaterialX with respect to user workflows.

Detailed specification information can be found at the MaterialX site which includes additional documents and presentations from the authors. The aim is not to reproduce but to distill and enhance with complementary content.

In the "spirit" of MaterialX, the site design tries to match the related content. Where applicable, all drawings and renderings (including the site logo) are generated using MaterialX.


Bernard Kwok: Bernard has been working in the graphics industry for 30+ years in the areas of rendering, games and interactive workflows. His current passion is open standards and is an active contributor for MaterialX at the Academy Software Foundation and the Khronos glTF PBR working group.

Matthew Kwok: Matthew is a UX designer with experience in product design for content creation. His current interests lie in the area of learning and visualization for web and AR, which includes workflows using realistic materials.
Note: Image filtering written as a MaterialX graph


To contribute please clone the repository, raise an issue, and / or submit a pull request.
To contribute to the MaterialX open source effort any applicable work done here will be integrated back into the core repository .


If you find value in here and want support its progress, we kindly invite you to consider sponsoring the project. It will help to keep it going and evolve.