Color Palette Generator

The next main feature developed is to be able to preview different colors on model parts through the viewer and with an image preview.

Initially a random color generator with a set number of colors was created to test layouts of various palettes of different sizes (number of colors).

The first version tests if random colors could be generated and showing the color hex values.

Various versions were made to test features to implement into the model viewer.

Labels for color hex/rgb value, color links, and code were added to reference the commercial product used. Load/save options were added to preview custom color palettes for the model viewer. Options were added to change the number of colors and columns generated for the color palette to test the responsiveness of the layout.

The first image shows addition of export/import options. The second picture is the redesigned layout using Bootstrap to make it responsive.

A complementary color palette was added below the randomized colors to help visualize the layout of the model scene. It provides greyscale and regular color complementary colors. Complementary colors provided are an average of the color palette generated.

Complementary greyscale and regular colors are shown in the second palette row.

Once the layout was defined, models were inserted into the color palette to test preview model backgrounds with randomized and personal color palettes.

Test models are used to compare model color contrast with the background. Each color is associated with a Dulex paint shade.