Always available options are located in the navigation bar below the panel menus. Options available are loading and saving models, taking a screenshot of the viewer window, loading in background environments and the option to recentre the camera.

Drag and Drop

This video shows that you can use different background environments by dragging and dropping the file into the viewer area.

Material Pinning

The currently selected material of a model can be pinned to prevent users from editing a different material on another part of the model or from editing a seperate model's properties by mistake.

Material Property Editing

Material properties can be edited by typing in inputs manually or using the arrow keys in the form fields.

Texture Mapping

Material properties can have images mapped to the inputs to give a more realistic representation of the material. This video shows how to load images and map them to a material property.

Color Palettes

This video shows how to load, save and use custom color palettes. Color palettes can be cleared or deselected if the user wishes to use the default color picker.

Color Palette Generator

This video shows how to generate, load and save custom color palettes for use in the model editor. Colors in a palette can be linked to commercial paint colors and be referenced by LRV and by product code.

Hotspot Videos

Hotspots Overview

This video shows how to add, remove, and clear hotspots from view.

Hotspots Saving and Loading

This video shows how to save out hotspots and then load them in from file.